NBN - Nothing But Noodles
NBN stands for Nothing But Noodles
Here you will find, what does NBN stand for in Organization under Military category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Nothing But Noodles? Nothing But Noodles can be abbreviated as NBN What does NBN stand for? NBN stands for Nothing But Noodles. What does Nothing But Noodles mean?Nothing But Noodles is an expansion of NBN
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Alternative definitions of NBN
- National Biodiversity Network
- National Broadband Network
- Northeast Bancorp
- National Book Network
- National Broadcasting Network
- Nonsensical Bland Nonevents
- National Bibliography Number
- Northeast Bancorp
View 34 other definitions of NBN on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- NMHS Newport Middle High School
- NEGL Norman Emerson Group Ltd
- NPT New Potato Technologies
- NCSC Nettle Creek School Corporation
- NBC The New Bethel Church
- NYMBA New York Mortgage Bankers Association
- NVAT New Village Arts Theatre
- NHN Neil Huffman Nissan
- NRT North Reading Transportation
- NRCCC National Response Centre for Cyber Crimes
- NWI New World Insurance
- NGSA Natural Gas Supply Association
- NPI The Nth Power Inc.
- NLC Niagara Label Company
- NSCL Nippon Signal Co. Ltd.
- NLPL Navigator Logistics Pvt Ltd
- NBMAA New Britain Museum of American Art
- NJL Nash Johnston LLP
- NVRQS National Veterinary Research and Quarantine Services
- NCC National Comedy Center